First licence, Radio Operator Class D (RO-D, SWL # OK1-30941), allowed to me technically to transmit on 2m bands, 10w output power over mainly (later I will update as I might not fully remember as it is 35+ years ago…) over FM repeaters under supervision of fully licensed operators using club station call (OK1OFA). Standalone I could listen on other bands to learn basics and get some passive experience, given available equipment.

Above, the receiver picture, shall soon be replaced by my own photography. Thanks to Google image search courtesy.
In 1984, also during above Svazarm HAM camp, I did another step, Radio Operator Class C (RO-C), which adds the need to be tested about CW skills (40 characters/minute) and allowed me to transmit already also on 80m bands.
In 1985, surprisingly during another Svazarm HAM Summer camp, I made another 2 exams.
Independent Radio Operator Class B (SO-B) allowing me using club call sign already without supervision and also finally I can operate on all bands with the only limitation of maximum output power to 100w. I had to prove the CW receiving and sending ability of minimum of 60 characters per minute. Second exam, most importantly, was about Independent Radio Youth Operator Class C (OL-C), highest possible license for 15-19 years old Hams in Czechoslovakia at that time.
I got my first own call sign – OL1BPN.
Besides 2m bands and taking into account available equipment due to the courtesy of the club stations in my city (OK1OFA, OK1KPB and OK1KNG) I could be active on 160m. CW and maximum 10W only (license limitation). And occasional SWL on 80m band.
On 2m band (FM) I was using transceiver Boubin with GP antenna 12m above ground

On 160m band I was using transceiver Jizera with 80m long wire antenna about 12 meters above the ground, directing to the south-west direction. Yes, it was during the communist era but I did not mean it that way. Other directions were simply not feasible. I was happy to have

(Copyright by OK1UHU)